About Me

Hi, I'm Thomas Reither.

I hail from the great state of 🧀 (Wisconsin) where I live with my wife and family. When I'm not busy chasing after my toddler before she gets into mischief, I'm a full-stack .NET developer with a proclivity for automation and shell scripting. I spend a lot of my time looking for ways to improve the developer experience in my work.

I love making builds fast and writing scripts to improve my productivity and automate my workflows. I tend to ask a lot of questions in my search for a better way to do things. I'm usually skeptical of the status quo, but I've been learning to respect the principle behind Chesterton's fence, who happens to be one of my favorite authors.

As a full-stack developer, given my experience as a consultant, I tend to consider myself a generalist, familiar with a variety of technologies, rather than a specialist who focuses on a particular facet of technology. I'm proficient with C# and the .NET ecosystem, Entity Framework, SQL, Azure, etc. I'm familiar with Angular, React, and other weird frameworks like Mithril.js, but I've grown to appreciate JavaScript as a force unto itself. In my personal projects like this website, I often find myself reaching for vanilla JavaScript and static html served on a cheap VPS using frameworks like Astro over the complexity of a metaframework deployed on a serverless platform.

Anyhow, if you're interested in connecting with me, I invite you to write me with any questions, comments, ideas you might have. I'm always happy to meet new folks and chat about .NET, automation, consulting, work/life balance as a father, tech in general. You can reach me via email, otherwise, I can be found on LinkedIn and X. Take care!